Frequently Asked Questions

Maybe you have a few questions. That’s okay; most people do. So here’s a quick collection of some of the questions people ask us… along with our answers. If you still have a question, don’t hesitate to contact us (or give us a call) and we’ll be happy to answer it for you.

Q:  Will you be listing my house on the MLS or actually buying it?
A:  Great question. The answer is it depends on your needs.  Our goal is to get you the best result for the sale of your property which includes Your Highest Profit, on your time frame and as convenient as you need it to be.  We your options to help you clearly see which is the best for you.

Q:  Do you pay fair prices for properties?
A:  This is what sets us apart.  We not going to get you just one offer or just list your house on the MLS and hope for the best.  We get 1000+ Investors and End-User Buyers to bid against each other and drive the price up as high as it will go, so you know that you get the absolute best price for your property based on your terms and closing on the date of your choice.

Q:  Are there any fees or commissions to work with you?
A: This is what makes us stand out from the traditional method of selling your house: There are NO fees or commissions when you sell your house with us.  Our group of 1000+ investors and the market of End-User Buyers will pay us a modest fee for making the opportunity available to them.

Q:  How are you different from a real estate agent?
A: Real estate agents list properties and hope that someone will buy them. The agent shows the properties to prospective buyers if there are any (the average time to sell a property in many markets right now is 6-12 months) and then take a percentage of the sale price if they find a buyer. Oftentimes, the agent’s commission is 3-6% of the sale price of your house (so if it’s a $500,000 house, you’ll pay between $15,000 – $30,000 in commissions to an agent). Agents provide a great service for those that can wait 6-12 months to sell and who don’t mind giving up some of that sale price to pay for the commissions. But that’s where we’re different we get 1000+ local real estate investors and End-User Buyers to bid against each other to drive the price as high as it can go based on your terms and ont he date of your choice.

Q:  Is there any obligation when I submit my info?
A: There is absolutely zero obligation for you. Once you tell us a bit about your property, we’ll take a look at things, maybe set up a call with you to find out a bit more, and  get offers from 1000+ local real estate investors and End-User Buyers.  From there, it’s 100% your decision on whether or not you’d like to sell your house… and we won’t hassle you, won’t harass you… it’s 100% your decision and we’ll let you decide what’s right for you.

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