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This is a Video RealtyZoom Review by Sarah T. of Valley Center, CA

“I almost feel like I’ve been dealing with a friend the whole time. I just feel like that’s way above and beyond anything that I would have expected.” – Sarah T.
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Video Transcript
Why did you need to sell your house?
Well, the house is in foreclosure and the renters obviously trashed it and going through a divorce I wasn’t going to be able to leave the state so there was no hope of going back there I needed to just sell it as quickly as possible
What challenges did you face while selling?
Well, You had to deal with my ex and I didn’t so that was a big challenge because I didn’t want to have to deal with him and I honestly don’t know how you got him to agree to sell because he was absolutely adamantly against it but you worked your magic. Obviously, the house was in terrible condition I don’t know how you got any buyers in there I was shocked. I told my daughter, “this guy wants to list the house and I don’t know how he’s going to sell it.” Because I knew it was a mess but when I saw the damage I was like, oh my gosh that’s awful, but you somehow found a buyer I don’t know how you did it.
How do you feel about how we handled the purchase?
I was really pleasantly surprised because, I didn’t know what we owed on the house, I didn’t know what we owed with taxes, I didn’t know really anything about it and you guys just kind of took care of everything. I feel like all I did was sit back and say sure let me sign on the dotted line. I feel like you guys did everything. And, I was like, that was so much easier than I thought it was going to be. I kept thinking there’s got to be more to this. There is going to be way more. There’s something I don’t know and then there was never anything, you guys handled it all. I kept thinking I’m going to have to do more here on my end, but other than just answering the questions about the condition and the things that I knew we were working on, I don’t feel like I had to do anything. So I was really shocked.
Did we exceed your expectations?
Yeah you packed up my house for me. You went through all that stuff. I felt so bad, especially when I saw how badly they had pulled everything out of all the containers. You worked with me on taking all those pictures and you even called the guy that was going to move the Bronco. You got me a storage unit and put my stuff in it. I didn’t have to worry about any of it. I didn’t expect that out of a real estate company I just thought you’re going to list the house, sell the house, say here’s your check and then we go our separate ways. That’s not been the case. For every step of the way you’ve been right there. I really appreciate it because it is not what I expected.
Any other thoughts?
I almost feel like I’ve been dealing with a friend the whole time. My listing agent when I bought the house was amazing she was great very friendly. I thought the world of her but this has just been like I’m dealing with a friend because the whole time it’s like, do you want this or do you want me to go out there and traipse through all your stuff and send pictures of everything. I’m like yeah I need that and I need that and I just feel like that’s way above and beyond anything that I would have expected out of real estate company. I thought you might put me in touch with a mover who would go there for me but to go out there yourself and take all the pictures and do all that, I’m like, this is so far above and beyond what I feel like your job title calls for. I was very pleasantly surprised I would definitely recommend you guys to anybody who’s looking to sell their house for sure. I really appreciate it.